» Principal's Message

If you have anything really valuable to contribute to
The world, it will come
Through the expression of your own
Personality that single spark of divinity
That sets you off and makes you different
From every other living creature”

---Bruce Barton
A very warm welcome to the official website of Adarsha Vidyalaya Matia!

Adarsha Vidyalaya Matia is still in her infancy. We have things to do and ‘miles to go’, but we have full conviction that the unflinching camaraderie among teachers, students and parents can achieve wonder. Let’s work together to ignite that ‘single spark of divinity’ in every child and let’s co-operate each other and contribute our share in the development of the young children.
This website of Adarsha Vidyalaya Matia is launched as a window to all information pertaining to the school and I like to thank our Computer Teacher Mr. Sofiqul Islam for his hard work and continuous effort to make our school a digitalized one in this era of Digital World. Your comments and suggestions for improvements are always welcome!

Shri Onkar

Copyright©2017 Adarsha Vidyalaya Matia, Goalpara
Site Designed & Maintained By Er. Sofiqul Islam